
D3 Strategic Framework Process & Goals



Determine Where You Are Specifically!  

  • Gain a current inventory of critical company data and process
  • Dream -What Do I (really) Want Next?
  • What is my best Market, Message, and Medium and what Metrics do I need to Measure that?
  • Decide and align core values & update key messages for target audiences
  • Direction – HOW do I get there? Am I completely clear about where I am headed?
  • Decide to Create Change & Proceed – Commitment of time, resources and accountability

RESULTSClarity about what results you want to achieve and the mindset and path to get there.


GOALPlan It Out!

Move from Definition to Designing an Effective Business Model, Strategies and Your Unique Strategic Solutions Plan

  • Evaluate Your Current Business Model & Strategy
  • Project financial and human resources into The Future & Plan for Change
  • Create concepts for success and Update Your Story & Messaging
  • Design & Create Value-based campaigns and tactics that match that concept
  • Evaluate how technology application may help automate or improve the efficiency and productivity of your planned campaigns and delivery
  • Empower Employees to collaborate and participate
  • Create Measurable Metrics and Communicate Them

RESULTS:  A written business/personal and marketing plan with defined strategies, tactics and measurable metrics based on your Change goals and resources.



Moving from Definition and Design Thinking to Execution

  • Define Resources Available – Time, People, Money
  • Determine Key Milestones, Calendar & Cost to Implement
  • Prioritize Key Actions and Produce Project(s) Budget
  • Communicate Scope and Implications of Change to All Affected
  • Monitor Results against Metrics.
  • Celebrate Accomplishments and Fix Failures
  • Declare it DONE! Consistent Closure Creates Comfort!

RESULTS:  Objectives Met…Results Realized…Change Created & Communicated

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